300K found !!!! Sailing alone back to Spain rather than in the usual convoy of treasure ships, the Aviso San Maguel Archangel was on a special mission of the Viceroy of Peru with extraordinary dispatches for King Phillip IV. Attempting to hold off financial disaster for his country and its colonies, and his own potential execution, these dispatches with accompanying treasure and gifts for his monarch, were what the Viceroy desperately needed to explain his decision to open an unauthorized mint in Lima. The King knows nothing of the death of the former Viceroy and the reports carried on the ship of his involvement in the Potosi Mint counterfeiting scandal of 1649. Following the disastrous losses of the Capitana in Ecuador 1654 and the Maravillas in 1656, the shipment of treasure on the Archangel was vital to the crown, perhaps even for Spain's leadership of European nations. Swirling storm clouds developed in the Atlantic Ocean held different plans for the ship as it sailed up the Florida Straights near present day Jupiter Inlet. |
In the following pictures below you will see some of the Treasures pulled from the "San Miguel Archangel" A cache of coins.
Rick with a yet unknown encrusted object. (EO) Another pile of coins. A Mexican "Piece of eight".
A coin minted in Potosi. An encrusted musket with a section peeking out. A Native American scraper created from a shell. A ballast rock from the "Archangel" (75lbs.) |
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